About the UKIP

About the EU

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The Euro










































Here, it is hoped, is an opportunity for anyone to give their opinion on anything relevent to this site. General comments and/or suggestions are also welcome. Please send all letters to IndependentUK@yahoo.co.uk. Please include your name, age and any relevant group or organisation you are a member of (letters without these details may not be displayed). Any letters judged to be offensive will not be displayed. Thank you.



Name - Colin Slaven

Age - 17 years

Organisation/group - None

Date - 12/05/2000

I am writing to express my views on the way forward for our nation, the United Kingdom. It is my opinion that the UKIP's views on our country are correct to a certain degree whereby people should remember that we are the "United" Kingdom and therefore we should try as hard as we can to remain the "United Kingdom". It is my belief that further devolution for Scotland and Wales can only be a bad thing and it will lead to the break-up of our proud nation. In my opinion this would be a step back, not a step forward. However, my views on Europe are not entirely the same. It is true to say that I am against the single currency in principal as I cannot see how this would benefit our country. I believe that it would lead to a degree of economic instability which this country has never witnessed before. On the issue of the EU this is where my views differ. As I have already said I want our country to remain as a United Kingdom but I cannot see how, in this day and age, that we can possibly dissolve all our links with Europe and withdraw from the EU. For me the benefits of trading within this "union" far outweigh the drawbacks and it is for this reason that I believe we need to remain part of this modern, innovative community.

Yours, Colin Slaven.


Name - John Emley

Age - 17 years

Organisation - UK Independence Party

Date 15/05/2000

Re. Colin Slaven (12/05). The UK Independence Party would not "dissolve all our links with Europe." The UK Independence wishes to cooperate with Europe in matters of common concern. What I object to are the rules and regulations which are being foisted upon the people of the UK, who have no say in the matter. With the EU's plans to scrap our veto is a matter of great concern. You also mentioned the "benefits" of trading with this "union." To that I would like to say this, we import much more from the EU than we export. It is estimated for every £1 we put into the EU, we get 50p back. We have a large trade deficit, they therefore must be making a profit. Even they are not stupid enough to give this profit up should we choose to leave, are they? Furthermore you said the EU is a "modern" community. The EU is in my view not modern. It was originally founded in the 1950s and has been renamed twice. It is my opinion that the EU is stuck in a post war gloom. I believe the UK can prosper outside the EU, and I hope that in the not to distant future we will. You cannot be "in Europe and not run by it."

Yours, John Emley.


Name - Dave Brooks

Age - N/A

Organisation - UK Independence Party

Date 15/05/2000

Someone I know who lives in another part of the UK has been told they are not allowed to sell their sweets in imperial measurements anymore and must use the metric sytem of weights and measures or they will either be fined, closed down or go to prison under the 1994 weights & measures act,(which was sneaked through Parliment on the last day before the summer recess 1999 without debate or publicity). New Goverment legislation has told me that due to a new directive from Brussels, I must prove that my business is not racist. Its bad enough even being asked a stupid question like that, but having to 'prove' my business is not racist? I, by law, have faced more 'red tape' and higher taxes as well as having to comply with new laws made in another country by people who I have never heard of, yet alone elected for,I feel it is time that I made a stand against these people who are telling me what I can and what I cant do and, join the thousands of other small businessmen and women in rejecting being told that our traditional imperial system of weights and measures is now illegal. If we are living in a democracy I should be allowed to sell my goods in whatever measurement I want.